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“Our long-term goal: Create Members For Life. We will earn our members’ loyalty. We will listen to them, anticipate their needs, and act to create value in their eyes. We want to be known for our reliability, flexibility, and responsiveness. Growth, longevity and member satisfaction will naturally follow.  We will empower our members in an enriching environment of trust, cooperation and mutual respect.”

Star Touring and Riding has recently had to shut down operations.  Remaining STAR Chapters across the United States, and abroad, are now run independently.  The Mission and Vision statements are still respected and honored and all chapters are always looking for riding enthusiasts to join our family.

Vision Statement

 To pursue, promote and protect the interests of motorcyclists; to develop better and more enthusiastic relations between the general public, the media and the operators and riders of motorcycles; to encourage rider participation in events; to promote motorcycle safety and camaraderie among members; to promote organized events; and in general, perform them in a lawful manner.

Mission Statement

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